How it works

TAC Portal is a health connectivity solution used to capture transmissions from medical devices and systems, then map and route to one or more healthcare systems using a variety of message formats and protocols.

A visual diagram of how the TAC Portal works

TAC Portal Icon


Use TAC to integrate all your data feeds, lab & POC devices and healthcare systems. TAC can be configured to take transmissions from any source data system and map them to one or more destination endpoints, with workflow logic and using a multitude of common transmission and healthcare message formats. If your pain is how to enable legacy systems to talk to new technologies and vice versa, then TAC is your solution.

Nurse uses diagnostics machine in a hospital
Person conducting a diabetic blood glucose check

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Device & System Manufacturers

Use TAC to validate and connect your medical device or healthcare application within each of your customer environments. TAC can be configured to emulate systems and devices, enabling you and your customers to stress test and validate installations to support and effective and efficient deployment process. If your strength is your product and your pain is the ever-moving target of connectivity and systems integration, then TAC is your solution.

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Lab Chains

Use TAC to integrate all your patient order feeds, lab devices and information systems. TAC can be configured to listen for or collect from one or many complex data sources and map them to a single system feed specific to your LIS. So if your pain is how to automate the distribution of patient results using HL7, FHIR or ASTM, or even a combination of these message formats, then TAC is your solution.

Biochemical analyzer taking samples inside hospital laboratory

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