Key features

An administration web portal for the management of customer accounts and the configuration of their transmission connectors and endpoints. This web app allows a view of transmissions received and routed, as well as a map of transmission locations.

Transmission Connectors


Setup and manage transmission connectors. A connector defines the type of message (JSON, ASTM, HL7 etc.) that the connecting medical device will transmit and other associated properties including encryption, compression and data point. There are additional options set to indicate if the transmission should be stored in the TAC Platform or simply routed through the connector, and whether the transmission should be queued in the TAC Platform.

TAC Portal Connectors
TAC Portal Connectors
Transmission Endpoints
Transmission Endpoints

Transmission Endpoints Icon


Account administrators can setup and manage transmission endpoints. Endpoints define the mapping from the source transmission to the destination routing and outbound message format. Typically, an endpoint will represent a Laboratory Information System (LIS). Current supported endpoints are HTTP(S) & TCP with supported outbound formats of JSON, ASTM, HL7 & POCT.

Transmissions Icon


Account users can view inbound and outbound transmissions in a summary list. By default, the summary list will display transmissions received in the last 3 days, but it is possible to adjust the date range or click a specific record from the summary list to view the individual transmissions details.

TAC Portal Transmissions
TAC Portal Transmissions
TAC Portal Map
TAC Portal Map

TAC Portal Map


Users benefit from the ability to plot inbound transmissions by using the map feature, which enables global transmissions to be identified by their longitude/latitude values and plotted accordingly. By default, the map will display transmissions received in the last 3 days. Adjust the date range or click a map marker to reveal transmission details.

TAC Portal Users


Account administrators can setup and manage the users that have access to the account as well as view the profile of logged-in users. From this part of the account, adjust the users account information such as passwords or login details.

TAC Portal Users
TAC Portal Users
TAC Portal Users
TAC Portal Notifications
TAC Portal Notifications
TAC Portal Notifications


As an account administrator, you can setup notification rules for both your account and other users to alert via email when transmissions have failed, are queued, or have been routed successfully. Furthermore, you can setup a daily or monthly email to report your account’s transmission statistics to selected users.

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